The Avenue PH

High Density Residential Development


902-910 Eastern Avenue, Ilford IG2


Brownfield residential redevelopment comprising 177 new residential dwellings with undercroft car parking


Southern Housing



 The successful optimisation of the Avenue demonstrates how an effective and inventive architectural strategy can maximise the potential of available space, generating densities through scales previously unprecedented in Newbury Park. Redevelopment was formulated as a model strategy targeted at setting a new standard for emerging housing and attracting new residents by crafting a high-quality living environment. 

Curving around the triangular shaped site the building mass step up from 3 storeys through 5 and 7, culminating in 12 at the primary corner before dropping back down through 8 and eventually 6 storeys at the western tip. This inventive balance of forms directly responds to the conflicting boundary conditions generating 177 new-build dwellings, of which 50% are designated as fully affordable. 

The heavily trafficked 6 lane trunk road of Eastern Avenue, with high noise and air pollution, posed both the largest constraint and the greatest design opportunity. Intensifying height and mass along the main building spine created a substantial buffer between this road and the residential communities to the south. This buffer establishes sheltered and high-quality communal gardens for new residents whilst significantly enhancing the environment for the existing local community. 

An innovative layout of independent cores that concentrate circulation on the northern side of the building, enables all main living spaces to face away from the road, maximising southern and dual aspect outlooks. 

This duality of conditions presents equally contrasting aesthetics with strong and robust detailing across the north elevation and an open and active facade to the south. The combination of a deep orange/red brick with grey brick detailing facing the road is replaced with large areas of light white/buff brick and glazing on the central and southern facades.