Triscott House

Affordable, Sustainable Extra Care Housing 


Avonale Drive, London UB3  


Extra Care Affordable Housing for the Elderly 


Hillingdon Council



 The redevelopment of Triscott House Nursing Home is a showcase for Hillingdon’s achievement of excellence, focusing on delivering responsive and effective services to the public. Conceived as template for future Care Homes across the Borough the brief encompassed all forms of specialist and supported housing, balancing the highest standards in extra care with affordability and sustainability, whilst also reorintating the building at the centre of the elderly community

Prioritising resident’s aspirations for the contemporary and anti-institutional appearance to the building, redevelopment combines 47 affordable dwellings with extensive community facilities and sensory landscaped gardens.

Combining a fabric-first/highly insulated envelope, high airtightness, on-site renewables, the use of MMC (in this case SIPS panels) and the sequestering of carbon within the primarily timber frame – Triscott House balances the highest standards in extra care housing with affordability and sustainability whilst providing communal facilities to surrounding local care homes.

The completed redevelopment combines exemplar design and a bold aesthetic with an ambitious sustainable agenda tailored towards former and future occupants and the wider community.