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Lampton Road Mixed Affordable Housing LOCATION: 12-32 Lampton Road, Hounslow PROJECT: Mixed Tenure Residential Development CLIENT: Mackenzie Homes STATUS: Under Construction Initially approved for a dual-purpose hotel, part-budget / part-luxury, only the Travelodge section of the building enabled viability for construction. With less than 50% of the approval built and standing independent from its surroundings,…

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St. Ives Court  Contextual Contemporary Dwellings  LOCATION: 47 Mapesbury Road, London NW2  PROJECT: New-build Residential Apartments  CLIENT: Origin Housing  STATUS: Completed Contextually sensitive, blending contemporary features and form with the presiding local vernacular St Ives Court sits comfortably within the established street scene. Developed for Origin Housing, the development mixes tenure blind affordable and shared-ownership…

Triscott House 
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Triscott House 

Triscott House Affordable, Sustainable Extra Care Housing  LOCATION: Avonale Drive, London UB3   PROJECT: Extra Care Affordable Housing for the Elderly  CLIENT: Hillingdon Council STATUS: Completed  The redevelopment of Triscott House Nursing Home is a showcase for Hillingdon’s achievement of excellence, focusing on delivering responsive and effective services to the public. Conceived as template for future…

Leyes Road
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Leyes Road

Leyes Road Net Zero Carbon Affordable Housing  LOCATION: Royal Road, London E16 PROJECT: 116 Residential Dwellings (& Outline SEN School)   CLIENT: Newham Housing Completed STATUS: Approved / Under Construction  Offering over a hectare of historically brownfield land, overlooked by central planning strategy, the redevelopment of this site, just north of London City Airport, will deliver 116…

Eastern Avenue
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Eastern Avenue

The Avenue PH High Density Residential Development LOCATION: 902-910 Eastern Avenue, Ilford IG2 PROJECT: Brownfield residential redevelopment comprising 177 new residential dwellings with undercroft car parking CLIENT: Southern Housing STATUS: Completed  The successful optimisation of the Avenue demonstrates how an effective and inventive architectural strategy can maximise the potential of available space, generating densities through…


Arbour Vale

Arbour Vale  Community Masterplan  LOCATION: Stoke Road, Slough, SL2  PROJECT: Masterplan for a Community Sports Facility, Recreational Areas and Affordable Housing  CLIENT: Slough Council, Slough Town FC, Paradigm Housing Group  STATUS: Completed Working with numerous stakeholders and through extensive workshops and community events the masterplan for the residentially led public sports facility for Arbour Vale…

Anglers Retreat
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Anglers Retreat

Anglers Retreat PassivHaus Classic Afforable Housing LOCATION: Cricketfield Road, London UB7 PROJECT: New-build Affordable Residential Development CLIENT: Shepherds Bush Housing Group STATUS: Completed  As an area of designated Greenbelt land and encompassing a locally listed building the successful planning application opened up a previously undevelopable site, for a 100% affordable housing scheme resulting in a…